Holiday Sale
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Policing in Black and Blue.
Recording is available here:
​African American police officers have a particularly difficult job, one that requires them to work within a system that has a painful history of racial discrimination. Join Police Chief Johnny Jennings and Rev. Dr. Gayle Fisher-Stewart, a former police officer, for a conversation on being Black in Blue. Rev. Dr. Rodney Sadler will lead the conversation exploring how Black officers hold up under the burden of being the protector of all, while knowing that the color of their skin makes them and their communities uniquely susceptible to violence by police officers. For context, Attorney James Williams will provide a short history of policing in America.
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Committee Mission
To bring to light the racist system of criminalization marked by over-policing, over-prosecution, and over-incarceration of black and brown people in order to dismantle it and recreate a more equitable system of justice.
Committee Leadership
Cindy Adcock, Co-Chair
Cindy Adcock is a post-conviction lawyer, legal educator, restorative justice advocate, and writer. She currently serves as co-director of RedressNC, an initiative to unwind extreme sentences through collaboration with community stakeholders. She is a graduate of Duke University School of Law and School of Public Policy, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Carson-Newman University.

David Harris, Co-Chair
David is a lifelong Presbyterian with a passion for mission, justice and activism. He has served local congregations in many roles including four terms as an elder, and at the Presbytery level as a member of its Commission on Preparation for Ministry, and previously on its Finance and Stewardship Committee. David is a member of Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Church in Charlotte. He is retired from an extensive career in corporate, banking and capital markets legal, compliance, regulatory risk and transactional matters, and seeks ways to give back. He is a graduate of Fordham University School of Law and Emory University.